{{gravatar>ilmari.vacklin@cs.helsinki.fi |Ilmari Vacklin}} Ilmari Vacklin, 2007/06/16 23:13: A few small issues. Always check the return value of open(), e.g. "open ... or die $!". Scalars do not need to be quoted when passing to subroutines. Instead of "$foo" just write $foo. Similarly, Perl considers -a to be the string "-a", for various legacy reasons. You can use this in calls to system(). It might be considered a bit weird by some. my $remove = undef; # the = undef is redundant If the string to die() has a trailing \n, the backtrace won't be printed. (See perldoc -f die.) I see now that you did actually use this once, but not in the other die()s. Your POD doesn't have a COPYRIGHT/LICENSE section. @ARGV[0] is a wrong. Using warnings (use warnings; or the -w flag) would inform you of this. ... if ... or ...; is really confusing. :) ... if ...; doesn't need parentheses around the test expression. ---- {{gravatar>siretart@tauware.de |Reinhard Tartler}} Reinhard Tartler, 2007/06/28 14:09: Thank you very much for your comments! ----