====== Long time no see ====== I didn't use this blog for quite some time. Too much time. I really should blog more often. In the mean time, a lot of things happened. I surely cannot list everything I did since then, but perhaps I can mention the most important things that happened recently in form of a short list. I'll try to elaborate in subsequent blog posts. ===== UDS Prague ===== I had a great time [[ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid/ | in prague ]]. It was a pleasure to meet and talk to all the fellow ubuntu developers, and I really enjoyed the evenings talking to folks like ScottK! ===== FFMpeg in debian/unstable and ubuntu/intrepid ===== We have a new upstream version in debian, and the [[ http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=ffmpeg-free | transition that is going on ]]. Due to some API changes, this transition is not as smooth as I expected and will require some source changes in depending packages. Please help fixing these! ===== New LP Liason for MOTU ===== I accepted the position as LP liason. Also see [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-June/004047.html| my opening email ]]. I have also introduced myself to kiko and matthew revell in private, but I'm still waiting for a reply. Anyway, I'm still exited about this work. ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>tech english}}