====== ssh-proxy-command ====== While browsing through ''ssh_config(5)'', I stumbled over the option ''ProxyCommand'', which allows specifying an arbitary command for establishing the connection to the remote ''sshd''. While the manual gives the example of using [[ http://netcat.sourceforge.net/netcat | netcat ]] to connect through an http proxy, I was thinking about something else. At home, I'm using an [[ http://openwrt.org | openwrt router ]], which offers a [[ http://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html | dropbear sshd ]], from where I can connect to my workstation at home. In order to faciliate this, I added this tho me ''~/.ssh/ssh_config'': Host workstation-remote ProxyCommand ssh home nc workstation 22 User rho So this in fact, I'm still using netcat like suggested in the manual, but on the router on the remote host. Neat. Together with a ''ControlMaster'' socket, connections now go really fast: Host * ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p ControlMaster auto ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>ubuntu debian english}}